Jitters or not, here I come! (ebook)

Jitters or not, here I come! (ebook)
The ebook format is ideal for your tablet ( iPad, Samsung, Google, Microsoft, etc. ). It is also compatible with most computers, laptops, etc...
Jitters or not, HERE I COME !!! : The 3 conditions to END the fear of public speaking once and for all & 77 tips to deal with what happens on stage
by J.A. Gamache (author), Verbum Vitam publishing 2017
When it comes to speaking in public, have you ever felt like a prisoner inside yourself?
You don't have to stay this way. You can END the fear of public speaking. This book gives answers to these unavoidable questions:
I am too nervous in front of a group. How can I reduce my stress?
I don't want to look like a fool. How can I make a good impression?
I am afraid of being boring. How can I keep their interest?
I am not funny. How can I make them laugh?
Things might go wrong while I'm on stage. How can I avoid a catastrophe?
Get back in control so you can express yourself with ease and enjoyment.
End the fear of public speaking faster and without unnecessary struggles.
The first part of the book describes the three conditions to end your fear once and for all.
The second part provides you with 77 proven solutions to deal with whatever might happen while you are on stage.
Third place in the Toastmasters International World Championship of Public Speaking, J.A. Gamache shares concrete strategies to break free from this cage called the fear of public speaking.